The Wycombe Railway and Joint Line Plus 5.1 - Scenarios
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Scenario Descriptions and Requirements

Plus 5 Scenarios PDF

Older Scenarios PDF

Selective Rolling Stock cross reference between Web and Game names. CSV download Use at own risk!

Interactive Quick Drive Instructions- direction changes/coupling/shunting

ie more than just driving from A to B. Unfortunately instructions are not viewable in game
so need a second screen or mobile phone.

British Railways era 'Interactive' Quick Drive Instructions and Consists

Great Western Railway era (pre 1948) 'Interactive' Quick Drive Instructions and Consists

Standard Scenario Instructions - viewable in game or here

5BR Gds Didcot-Bicester MoD-Moreton WD280

5BR Gds PICKUP Didcot-Reading [VW LP

5BR Gds PICKUP Newbury to Didcot [Defaul

5BR Gds PICKUP Reading-Didcot [DT Dean Gt

5BR Pas Ban Plat-Morris Cowley Workmans

5BR Pas Didcot-Newbury [JT City of Truro

5BR Pas Didcot-Newbury 43xx V2

5GW Gds PICKUP Newbury to Didcot [DT 43x

5GW Gds Reading to Hinksey S15

5GW Gds SHUNT Reading Kings Meadow [VW P

5GW Gds SHUNT Reading Low Level [VW Pann

5GW Pas Aylesbury-Taplow [VW L.Prairie]

5GW Pas Oxford-Taplow.The Wyc. Rly [VW

5GW Pas Reading-Henley Auto

Free Roam Scenario Instructions - viewable in game or here

54 Stratford to Lapworth pilot task [VW

54 Leamington-Greaves-Ardley Limestone t

54 Leamington to Stratford passenger task

54 Leamington to Avon Bridge coal task [

54 Abingdon River Excursion [VW 14xx]

54 Abingdon Goods. [VW 14xx]

53VWSSMT Princes Risborough to Watlingto

53VW Watlington Branch workings

53SS Maidenhead to Loudwater Pickup Good

53SS Banbury Loco Coal task

53DTG 56xx Wycombe Branch pick-up coal t

5FR GW SHUNT Wallingford [VW 14xx DT Milk

5FR GW Gds TASK Didcot-Newbury Assist

5FR GW Gds PICKUP Oxford-Taplow [VW Larg

Route Maps

Maps created with RWInfo

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